Nathaniel Lackey
Digital Marketing Specialist
Nathaniel is an Anchorage transplant from Covington, Washington with a love for music, mountains, and all things marketing. While in college at Pacific Lutheran University, he added Orange Slice as one of his clients during his three years as a freelance marketer managing ads for some of our earliest clients. After graduating with his BA in Economics in 2021, he accepted a full-time position as our Performance Marketing & Analytics Specialist and made the trek up to make his new home in Alaska. Since then, Nathaniel has continued to be a defining member of Orange Slice’s team. Between refining our internal processes and being a constant advocate for change, Nathaniel is always looking for ways to make Orange Slice better. Now, as our Digital Marketing Specialist he continues to develop our internal business processes, design digital marketing campaigns, and help our teams with all things digital! And when you want to find Nathaniel when he is out of the office, be sure to check the Alaskan outdoors, listen for him playing his musical instruments, or ask around ACF Church in Eagle River to get involved with his community.
Nathaniel’s thoughts…