You’re Hiring… and it’s too complicated
Many don't remember, but there was a time where you had to go into a business and fill out paperwork to apply for a job. Nowadays, even with the boom of LinkedIn, Indeed, and Facebook Jobs, too many businesses have taken this lengthy application process and merely digitized it. Then they buried it in the corners of their websites. This has led to employers having difficulty finding new employees. Not only did we notice this with our own clients, but with other businesses in Anchorage as well.
After meeting with our own clients, we identified four ways to get more hires, faster. By smashing these bottlenecks in your hiring process, we can increase the number of completed applications.
1. Turn up the volume and don’t be afraid to say “No”
It’s common for businesses to get picky about who’s applying. “It’s a waste of our time to go through dozens of non-qualified applications,” you may say. Here’s the truth: only around 2% of applications actually lead to an interview.
Make sure your job application asks the right questions at the right time. This way, you can determine who is the most qualified without taking up too much of your time. From there, you can filter candidates either towards the final interview process or into the “Sorry, we’ve decided not to…” email list.
There. Now you’ve got your next potential colleague and you’ve opened a communication line with someone who may fit into another position down the line.
2. Where’s your job application page?
Is growth important to you? If you rolled your eyes and said, "Of course it is,” then you would agree that hiring is an integral part of your business! No more burying the career page in the footer of your website. Turn it into a header tab on your site. In fact, let’s not call it “Careers”. Swap it out with a call to action such as “Apply Now” or “Join Us”.
3. How long does your hiring process take?
For the most part, when people are applying, they are ready to work. Next time you’re hiring, take note of how long the hiring process takes from start to finish. Where are things slowing down? Are you waiting for applications to come in? How fast are you getting back to candidates? Are you waiting around to hear back from them?
Knowing the bottlenecks of your hiring process and fixing them can be easier than you think. Come up with a set of templated follow-up emails that you can send. Spare $50 to boost your job posting on hiring sites. Commit to a date after the interview to get back to the candidate. This will save you time and get your candidate ready for day one.
4. Hiring is a never-ending social media campaign
Get with your social media team and make sure they are posting about job openings. If you are not hiring for a position, recruit people by presenting your company culture. That way, when a position opens up, candidates will be lining up at your door. Highlight your current employees with employee write-ups and a nice photo of them to show potential candidates who they will be working with.
Hiring can feel overwhelming, but without a staffed business, there’s no business. Start with these 4 tips to help bring you closer to your hiring goals. Or, you can always give us a call and we can help you refine your hiring process.